Trash hauling, waste management & roll off dumpsters.


Delta Waste Services

3 Environmental Consequences of Illegal Dumping

3 Environmental Consequences of Illegal Dumping

Illegal dumping harms communities and the Earth. These three environmental consequences of illegal dumping negatively affect our quality of life, our health, and the health of the planet.

Water, Soil, and Air Pollution

Any kind of improperly handled waste can create an environmental hazard. Chemicals from household products, discarded appliances, and treated wood products can leach into the soil and water, causing contamination. When illegally dumped waste sits in the environment, it can exude harmful gasses into the atmosphere. Even illegally dumped organic materials such as animal waste and yard waste can create environmental hazards.

Health Hazards

Used hypodermic needles carry a risk of transmitting bloodborne diseases. Scrap metal and construction waste may also contain sharp pieces such as nails and screws, which can injure anyone who encounters them—including children, who aren’t as cognizant of these dangers.

Rodents and disease-carrying mosquitoes also love garbage and stacks of discarded furniture, boxes, and even yard waste. Creating habitats for these pests increases health risks for everyone.

Fire Hazards

Illegal dumping increases the risk of fires by providing fuel. A pile of junk dumped in the woods is a disaster waiting to happen. A carelessly tossed match or cigarette butt may be all it takes to ignite illegally dumped materials, and that fire can spread to an entire forest.

These three environmental consequences of illegal dumping are just a few of the reasons why municipalities, counties, states, and the federal government have rules about proper waste disposal. If nothing else, people who are thinking about dumping a load of junk in their yard or at the edge of town should consider the fact that they could be charged with a misdemeanor or even a felony offense.

Waste disposal is best handled by a licensed, qualified waste disposal company. A roll-off dumpster service can professionally deliver, place, remove, and legally empty a waste receptacle at a designated waste-processing facility. If you’re contemplating cleaning out your shed, basement, or attic or if you have an upcoming remodeling job scheduled, rent a dumpster to manage the garbage. You’ll be doing the right thing for your community and the environment.

Amanda Delatorre