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5 Spring Cleaning Tips for Clearing Out the Garage

5 Spring Cleaning Tips for Clearing Out the Garage

A messy garage can happen slowly over time, and when winter hits, it’s easy to let go of the organizational system you had in place. If your garage is a mess filled with half-finished tasks, use these five spring cleaning tips for clearing out the garage. Take your process one step at a time and remain calm! A deep cleaning process can be overwhelming at first but try to trust the process and continue in your efforts.


Clearing out all the junk is the most time-consuming and grueling step in cleaning your garage. But once you have this important step over with, you can get down to the nitty-gritty. If your garage is overflowing, consider an open-top dumpster rental for when you need to throw away a lot of the garage clutter. Be sure to check the weather so that you can clear the garage out on a good day.


Have three categories, one for recycling, trash, and keep. As you go through your belongings, separate them according to these categories. This process will take some time as well. You’ll need to look at every item, container, and tool. Ask yourself if you’ve used the item once in the past year. If not, consider donating or putting it up for sale.


Once the most difficult steps are over, it’s time to clean the floors and walls. Sweep out old cobwebs and use an appropriate cleaner or epoxy floor wash on the floors. Use a degreaser to wipe down all work surfaces, and don’t forget areas like the doors and windows.


Now that everything is clean, it’s time to assess your storage. Compare your ratio of garage belongings to storage containers. After cutting down on your items, you may not need any new storage. If you do, consider adding shelves or a few more cabinets to the space. Proper storage planning is a crucial step within the five spring cleaning tips for clearing out your garage.


Now it’s time to move everything back into its rightful home. Group items together according to where they should go, like hand tools in a toolbox and cleaning supplies in a container. Try not to put things back in the garage that could have a home inside the house. Lastly, keep in mind that the more you have on the floor, the more cluttered the space will look. Try to keep as much off the floor as possible.

Amanda Delatorre